Model 1697 Xbox Board – Joystick Jump Wire Diagram

How to Jump a Wire to Fix a Damaged Through-Hole Pad

Damaged a through-hole pad on your Xbox Board while trying to change out the Joystick and/or potentiometer? Don’t worry. With this repair you just might be able to recover the controller and make it working again. What you’ll want to do is jump a wire from the the pin of the joystick (where the damaged pad is) to a point on the board as outlined in the diagram.

Jump Wire?

While you could purchase a jump wire as seen in the list here, you might also be able to scrounge up some from around the house. Some common jump wire used for purposes like these is a strand of speaker wire or wire from an ethernet cable. Both work equally as good. If you decide to use a strand of speaker wire, just make sure the bare metal part doesn’t touch other metal parts of the board.

What Each Term Means

LSX – Left Stick X
LSY – Left Stick Y
LSC – Left Stick Click

RSX – Right Stick X
RSY – Rights Stick Y
RSC – Right Stick Click

AN+ – Positive
GND – Ground


Where to Jump?

RSY – Jump to TP65
RSX – Jump to TP66
RSC – If BOTH locations are damaged, you only need to jump one of the RSC locations to TP43. Should either location still be intact, there is no reason to jump a wire. Same goes for the ground locations next to the RSC. RSC only needs one ground location to still be intact.

LSY – Jump to TP63
LSX – Jump to TP64
LSC – If BOTH locations are damaged, you only need to jump one of the LSC locations to TP42. Should either location still be intact, there is no reason to jump a wire. Same goes for the ground locations next to the LSC. LSC only needs one ground location to still be intact.

AN+ – You can jump to TP103, or to any other AN+ location (assuming the pad there is not damaged)
GND – You can try locating one of the TP points on the board and jump to any single one of them, or easier would be to jump to any other ground spot on the Joystick. The diagram shows an example of jumping to the closest ground spots. Again, assuming the chosen ground spot still has a non-damaged, intact through hole pad.